Eco-Frriendly and Risk-free FilterSmart Water Systems

FilterSmart Water is the most trustworthy water treatment brand in the market today. This company was established by Colin and Dan, brothers who have been in the water treatment business for many years already. They made certain to make FilterSmart Water Systems as environmentally friendly as possible, they don't use salt nor electrical energy and surely do not waste water. Due to the harmful effects that it can do to the surroundings, salt based systems are being replaced with this system. “We saw a shift in the Industry and saw a great opportunity to focus on that shift,” stated by the two brothers.

Annually, a lot of areas in California and the entire U.S. are starting to limit or prohibit “ion exchange” devices that utilize salt. The vision of FilterSmart is to lead the way for property owners to be more cautious in their water to start living healthy specifically for their family. Lots of homeowners these days would rather pick “soft” water than the ones that has chlorination and chemical based compounds, that is the reason why they filter it. Salt water softeners take out magnesium and calcium and replace it with sodium, thus creating water that is “soft”. As a result, a sodium-added water wherein natural water minerals are not present is exactly what a lot of people drink. ”The old way of dealing with residential water has altered the last few years. Home owners want filtered water full of healthy minerals without the added sodium”, said by the creators of FilterSmart.

How Americans think of water has been successfully changed by FilterSmart. The old water system is not utilized by the homeowners and instead, they try the brand new system. The founder mentioned, “We have gone against the grain and focused on filtering and offering a new salt free water conditioner that treats hard water without sodium or chemicals.” Bankrupt and drowning in debt, the large salt softener firm named Culligan was left by the people as they adopted using filters in their water system.

FilterSmart took advantage of a billion dollar industry that was decreasing recently because of the ways American’s use their tap water. Fracking is also one of the ways that entices many individuals into bringing attention on how they must treat their water to maintain purity and quality.

Dan, the co-founder wanted to make changes and he said, “We want to replace all salt based systems in America.” He even mentioned, “Homeowners have been duped into buying salt softeners over the last 30 years that are not only environmentally unfriendly but are also incredible bad for your health. Basically they are useless!” After 30 years, home owners understand that using salt based softeners are quite hazardous. FilterSmart tanks are reusable when the filtering media has run out, which makes them to be well worth spending. Replacement carbon will be delivered to you by the company; so, you won’t need to buy a brand new system.

Buying FilterSmart is a smart decision. This is simply because there is a lifetime warranty for the entire system including its essential parts.

Colin further described “We basically are the Brita or PUR for whole house water filter systems. People love our brand and our company and we feel good about the water we provide for our customers.” This is all due to the well focused way to the water system by the company. This is ultimately a good start for the industry that has attained bad reputation regarding services for countless years. Thus, FilterSmart Water Systems is ahead among others as far as client satisfaction is concerned. So far, a percentile of all sales has been hardly reached by the number of returns of their systems. This is considered as a big accomplishment given that they give a 90-day cash back guarantee.

As a matter of fact, its possible that 50 years from now, your grand kids will still call us for a carbon replacement. We're confident that our products will be long lasting. If you want to get our brand, just open our site at The system’s installation can be carried out without hassle. As a matter of fact; you can install the system simply if you have a simple background in plumbing. Nevertheless, for those who don't have the slightest idea, their local installers through AngiesList will serve you. The installation fee will only cost you $200.